An exalted person who read the Bible every day is said to have remarked, “It is a wonderful book, but there are some very queer things in it”. This is, so far as it goes, an excellent description and one might do worse than start by considering why the Bible is both wonderful and queer. It is queer because, unlike all other sacred books of the world, it is in large part a collection of the literature, legends and memorials of a single people - the Hebrews. There is much in it which, at first sight, appears to have no bearing upon religion and certainly little edification for modern men. The people, however, judging by the surviving literature, have a peculiar character. They played a minor part in world history, they produced no great philosophers and their poetry, though often magnificent, is almost entirely concerned with religion. And that is the salient feature of their story.
We can trace the development of their religious belief. They regarded themselves as chosen by God from all the nations of the earth and, though they often took a narrow and selfish view of the purpose of that choice, their history is compatible with the truth of their belief. To one who approaches it with a belief in God, and, therefore, in the probability of revelation, the Hebrews' story seems to offer the most remarkable instance of what looks like a process of revelationary experience. It is at least beyond question that, in the course of centuries, from ideas of deity hardly different from those of paganism they passed to the most exalted Theism, conceiving their God as one, holy, just and merciful, the ruler of the world, having a gracious purpose for His people and, ultimately, for all mankind, as the Lord of history who makes His will known through the events of history. But the most remarkable aspect of all this is the way the development happened. There is no suggestion that we have here a triumph of the human intellect analysing the idea of God.
[委婉、细腻、简约:本段原文有些用法显示出英文擅长的一些表达特征,这里姑且举出 seem“似乎”、hardly different “几乎没有不同”、
conceive xx as“想象出XX是YY的”作为例子;许多中文写作人在讨论问题时,很少采用“似乎”“看来”等字眼,也不常说“几乎没有什么不同”罗罗嗦嗦的话;与这相对的是,英文在结构上的简约也是不寻常的,这里的“想象出…..是”就是现成的例子。当然,中文并不是缺乏委婉、细腻和简约的表达能力,但恐怕多半是在说情一方面。这是译者一时想到的闲话,并不希望自己说得对。
The Bible contains no pure philosophy or pure logic. The Hebrews never thought that they had found God by searching; they thought that He had found them and revealed Himself. The Prophets, who are the classical examples of revelationary experience, uttered what they knew, by an interior conviction, to be the word of the Lord. Nearly always they spoke with reference to a particular situation, declaring what the Lord required at that time and, through the words that were given them to speak, they came to know something of the nature of the author of the words.
[the author of the words“那些话语的作者(指上帝)”:这是英文行文既细腻而又明白晓畅的一个例子,译者曾经试图把本段译文的最后一个句读译为“因而得以略知那些话语的作者的本质”,觉得违反了“达”的原则,故终于放弃。]
The Hebrew religion was a forward looking faith. In the darkest days they expected some great day of the Lord, some reign of God. The Old Testament, on any showing, is incomplete. It ends with the expectation unfulfilled. The New Testament, in the belief of Christians, is the story of the fulfilment. God did act.
He acted by a supreme revelation. He was revealed not now through the words of Prophets, but in a Person who was, and is, the Word made flesh. The rest of this essay will be a comment on this astounding claim, but before we proceed let us pause to review the position at which we have arrived. We are not satisfied with having no answer to the question, "What is the nature of reality and what significance do our lives possess?" The philosophers, for the most part, tell us to run away and not ask silly questions, while the scientists more and more agree that their method can throw no light on these problems. Unless we can point to some revelation we are indeed at a loss.
[the Word“道、言”:在这里,中文的“言”不是普通的言,它与“道”相通;英文的the Word和the Way也类此。] (十之五完)