By an act of faith, which is not a leap in the dark but a rational choice, I accept both the fact of revelation and the belief that in the Bible I have the record and expression of the most continuous and coherent revelation. In the experience which has created the Bible I look for the authentic self disclosure of God. For me then, though the Bible is in a secondary sense the word of God, it is more properly described as the record of the word, that is of the divine communication which came in divers parts and manners to the fathers by the Prophets, and finally through the Son. Though I am far from holding any theory of verbal inspiration, it seems to me that I am almost compelled to hold, too, that the Bible has taken shape in the providence of God and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I must add a consideration which is of the highest importance, though it cannot be presented in the form of an argument. Calvin laid stress on the testimonium Sancti Spiritus, by which he meant that the Holy Spirit, speaking through Scripture, finds a response inspired by the same Spirit, in me. S. T. Coleridge, I suppose, meant much the same when he said that the Bible "finds us". That is an evidence which each of us must test for himself, but who could deny the impressive weight of the witness of so many of every sort and condition who have discovered that the Bible answers their deepest needs?


  [God“上帝、神、上主”:在圣经中,这个英文字大多翻译为上帝或神,译者想到现代统治者已经没有“皇帝/帝王”这类头衔,同时也见到基督教的信众日渐式微,既是这样,难道我们还该用“上帝”吗?译文自本部分开始将使用“上主”的另一个理由就是,“天主教”是Christian Church 内重要的流派,据说他们只用“天主”称呼 God (当然,将来译者获得机会时将把全部译文中的“上帝”改为“上主”)。
  [the Prophets“先知们”、the Son“圣子”:本段的这两个词都是大写,后者用“圣子”译出,可以表达其对应英文名词用大写的含义,前者也许需要改写为“伟大的先知们”,聊以表达其对应的英文名词为大写。]

I will bring this part of my confessio fidei to a conclusion by quoting three propositions from Wittgenstein, who is not generally regarded as a friend of theologians. "The Sense of the world must he outside the world." [Tractatus 6.41]. "God does not reveal Himself in the world." [Op. cit. 6.432]. "There is indeed the inexpressible. This shows itself; it is the mystical." [Op. cit. 6.522]. The first and last of these' propositions are true; if "in" means within", the second proposition is false and is inconsistent with the third. God is indeed the “inexpressible”, in logical propositions, but He “shows” Himself, and the vision of prophets and mystics can be, within limits, described, though not defined.

  大体说来,维根斯坦并不是神学家的朋友,他曾经提出三个命题,我愿意在结束这部分我对信仰作出剖白之时,引用他那三个命题。“世界感一定在世界之外。”[短文6.41]。“上主不在这个世界显露自己。”[同前6.432]。“无法形容的存在是的确具有的。它会显露自己;它是神秘的。”[同前6.522] 这三个命题的第一个和第三个是确实的;如果“在”表示“在XX 之内”,第二个命题就是错误的,它跟第三个命题彼此矛盾。在逻辑的命题中,上主的确是“无法形容的存在”,但是他“显露”自己,在有限度的范围内,各先知和方士所描写的“显灵”,略得其要,但并非肯定的。

  [if “in” means “within” :在原著中,此处所引英文的结束为“;”,译者按文意把它改为“,”,否则原文似乎读不出意义。]

To point to the Christian creed and say, There is my philosophy of life, would be true up to a point, but misleading, for it might imply both that I supposed I succeeded in living up to it and that I accepted it simply on authority and thought no more about it. This is not the place to expound and defend the Christian creed the main tenets of which I assume are well known to my readers. I confine myself to a brief statement of how I take the Christian faith and how it ought to affect, and to some extent does actually affect, my attitude towards life, other persons and society.


The New Testament as a whole is to me quite evidently the record and expression of a supremely revelatory experience which originates with Christ and centres upon Him. The core of the revelatory experience is the experience of Jesus of Nazareth, but that, so to speak, spreads out through other persons and other lives, which are caught up in the spiritual tide which flows from Him. But I cannot accept the New Testament without accepting also the Church, and that for two reasons: first, that the New Testament itself regards the Church as an essential element in its revelation, and, secondly, that the New Testament comes to me through the Church, which selected the books that are to be revered as inspired. I could not have the Church without the Bible, and I should not have the Bible without the Church.


  [Jesus of Nazareth“(来自Nazareth的)耶稣”:中文不轻易容许“来自Nazareth的耶稣”这类的短语,如果容许,必定意味着另有来自其他地方的耶稣;幸好“耶稣”在中文里是独一无二的指称,大可把这短语只译为“耶稣”。

The old Anglican formula "The Church to teach and the Bible to prove" satisfies me, if I am allowed to put my own interpretation upon it. In my view, it implies that I am never called upon to adopt the doctrines of the Church uncritically, for I can always ask for the proof, and indeed I ought to do so. Thus, though I hope I shall always pay due regard to the "Mind of the Church", I insist, too, that my mind is a part of the Mind of the Church, though no doubt not a very important one. In this way, I believe, it is possible to reconcile the authority of the continuing spiritual experience of the Christian fellowship with personal freedom of thought. And freedom of thought within the Church is of the utmost value, if Christianity is to be preserved from stagnation and superstition.
