For my part, I hold that the great doctrines of the faith are attempts to embody in ideas, symbols and words, permanent spiritual realities, but they all need to be thought out again in the light of modern knowledge and restated in terms which are intelligible to modern men. One of our failures is that we have not believed sufficiently in the Holy Spirit, who is active in the Church, to face this task resolutely and hopefully.
I am a modern man, and I share with most of my contemporaries an initial inhibition to hearing the gospel effectively. The gospel is a message of redemption and forgiveness of sin, but we are not conscious of our need. We may indeed be discontented with ourselves and feel there is something missing in us, or something wrong, but we do not connect this unease with sin. Thus the gospel easily appears to us irrelevant. We recognize that the world abounds in unhappy and "maladjusted" individuals, but not that we are "miserable sinners". The chief reason for this is the fading of living faith in God, for there is no sense in talking of "sin" unless we are thinking in terms of our relation with God. When, however, I come to an appreciation of the significance of my belief in Him and belief becomes an apprehended reality, I find myself in the presence of the Holy One, the absolute Good, who has created me to be His child and I am aware of my true condition; I am indeed maladjusted not to my social environment, but to the ultimate Reality.
作出极为简明的诠释,因此,译者将在该处进一步讨论sin 这个字的中译问题。)
The essential nature of sin is pride and self centredness, which separate us from God. To me it seems a fact beyond question that the reign of sin in the world is its fundamental disease. Wherever we look, we see pride and self centredness at work, producing not only manifest evils, but spoiling and frustrating even well intentioned enterprises and seeping into the fellowship of the Church itself. The hopes of a new and better world will not be achieved unless pride and self centredness can be overcome or curbed. I find the teaching of the New Testament that the new world is for new men entirely reasonable and the promise that we may be made new men in Christ, if true, the answer to a universal human problem.
[本段开头这句英文的翻译,就需要有初步能令人接受的中文名词:“罪孽”在本句似乎还可以接受(“原罪”也同样),但如果用单音词“罪”在本句代替“罪孽”,这个句子就好像无法自圆其说。这是因为中文一向缺乏表达 sin 这个观念的专词。译者跟多个饱学博闻的虔诚基督徒交换过意见,大约是一半满足于现在的“罪”的用法(即沿用“罪”包括英文的sin和crime两个字的意义),另一半觉得有需要使用新词或专词,但又感到相沿成习,无可奈何。译者认为,只要有些人觉得有需要使用双音节的“罪孽”或单音节的“孽”来表达sin,这问题迟早总可望获得解决的。当然,译者目前最为醉心的是启用新词“衅”,这个单音词在读音上似乎最为接近sin ,而且它有一个意义是“罅隙”;说到底,sin 不过是人性中的一些缺点(请比较“七大sins” 为pride骄傲、covetousness贪婪、lust纵欲、envy妒忌、gluttony好吃、anger嗔怒、sloth怠惰)。原文作者把众多的sin简化为“骄傲”和“自我中心”两项主要性质,的确比较容易为大家接受,但若说它们是“罪”,只有把“罪”联想为“罪过”或“罪孽”时,才不至于认为“罪”的用法不妥。总之,“衅”可用于“罪衅(=罪孽)”,或者用于“犯衅(=作孽)”,或者用于“衅逆(=孽徒)。
The creative core of the Christian gospel, as I understand it, is that God is self revealing and redeeming love. He is not a remote and indifferent power or principle, but is to be thought of under the symbol of the Father who seeks His wandering children. His nature is revealed to us in a human personality and life - how else could love be revealed? and in the story of the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus we have the disclosure, in pictures that all can read, of the divine experience in relation to humanity and the world.
There is, I think, a more profound meaning in the Cross than is often understood. If we believe that "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself ", we have at least a partial answer to the standing difficulty of Theism - the problem of evil and suffering. It is not a theoretical solution, but it is a practical one. It is intolerable to imagine a deity contemplating the conflicts and agonies of his creatures from afar in a merely critical and detached manner, and there would be no good news about God if He were revealed only as a kind of celestial schoolmaster, or an implacable judge. The Christian belief in Incarnation and Atonement implies the belief that suffering enters into the divine experience and evil is overcome by a costly self giving of God. Thus it is possible for a human sufferer to offer his suffering, in union with Christ, as a tiny part of the redeeming process by which evil is overcome by good.
It would be far from the truth if 1 suggested that the Christian doctrines are to me perfectly comprehensible. They cannot be stated in "clear and distinct ideas", because they are adumbrations of a mystery which remains a mystery in the end. And this must be so, because they are necessarily couched in human terms and in images drawn from human experience which cannot be adequate to express the reality of God. When we say that God sent His only begotten Son into the world to redeem the world, we are obviously using language which presupposes time and space and can, therefore, be only an approximation to the truth.
如果我说,基督教义我是完全了解的,我所说的不会是实话。基督教义不可能用“清晰明确的观念”说出来,因为它们只是一个神秘事体的轮廓,自始至终都依然是一个神秘事体。这是必然的,到底那些轮廓是用世人的语言和人们从经历得出的图像所描绘出来,而这些并不足够用来表达上主的实在。当我们说上主派遣他的独生子来拯救这个世界,我们显然是预先假定了时间和空间,因此只能是近似真理的话。 (十之七完)